Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) Retail Asset Management

IRAM Pty Ltd, a 100% owned subsidiary of IBA, was set up in 2015 to provide professional retail management services to the owners of Indigenous-owned retail assets across Australia, such as supermarkets and roadhouses.

IRAM provides management services on a fee-for-service basis. Its senior leadership team keeps overheads low by providing centralised back office services across all IRAM assets.

IRAM company operates commercially, but with a mandate to deliver both social and economic outcomes, including:

  • to grow an Indigenous supply chain, where possible

  • build Indigenous business capability.

  • reliable, affordable, quality goods

  • an extensive range of products, including fresh produce jobs and training

  • strong governance

John Kop, was appointed IRAM Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director in 2015 because of his experience in retail and working in remote regions.

Board Members

Meet the IRAM Team

IRAM Suppliers

  • John Clements from PeopleHelp


    PeopleHelp is an experienced people advisory service that provides practical advice and human resources support and employee relations.

    PeopleHelp helps IRAM manage its people, by advising and supporting managers to optimise the productivity of their teams, meet business goals, engage effectively with their teams, maintain safety and wellbeing, manage employment risks and remain legally compliant.

  • Nicole Reedman

    Nicole Reedman

    Contract Accountant

    Nicole is responsible for all IRAM operational accountancy functions, including payroll, monthly financial reporting, budgeting, cashflows, and GST. She also is responsible for overseeing IRAM bookkeepers.

    Nicole is a CPA Qualified Accountant with over 30 years experience and is a registered BAS Agent.

    She has extensive experience in Financial and Management Accounting particularly in Retail, Education and Government. Clients have ranged from remote retail stores, roadhouses, disability advocacy services, health services, indigenous educational institutions, tourism businesses, other businesses and individuals. Nicole has worked closely with communities focusing on their social as well as their economic needs.

  • Nick Barwell


    Chartered Accountants

    McBurneys Chartered Accountants provides EOFY accounting and taxation services to IRAM.

    McBurneys use their expertise and experience to provide sound financial advice and support directly to IRAM’s management.

    Principal Nick Barwell is a Chartered Accountant with 25 years’ experience and is a registered Tax agent. He works with Australian businesses providing monthly accounting, taxation compliance, management reporting, payment processing and payroll services.

  • Bayside Networks

    IRAM’s IT function and CIO Services are managed internally with support from Bayside Networks.

    Bayside Networks has been providing IT support and consulting services since 2010 and has worked with a range of clients across many industries including Security, Retail, Law, Accountancy, Real Estate, Manufacturing and Distribution. Clients have included indigenous organisations, and clients that support indigenous organisations.


As IRAM is 100% IBA owned, the company is able to leverage off shared services such as travel and insurance. Retail is one of IBA’s portfolio investments so IRAM works closely with the Retail Portfolio Investments Manager, Ami Shah regarding investment opportunities and strategy.